Data linking and processing

With more than 30 years of experience in the processing and preparation of official multilingual information, we provide solutions targeted at your data and document processing needs. These solutions include linked open data, big data processing and semantic web methodologies.

Electronic document processing and production systems are able to process both the content and structure of a document, using specialised XML technologies and other related standards.

We develop specific applications for editorial systems and XML filters, define metadata formats, apply Linked Data Patterns for modelling, publishing and data retrieval, and integrate tools and applications into document production lines.

Next to consultancy and conversion services for XML mark-up models, (e.g. JATS/BITS, Formex, Akoma Ntoso, TEI, …) we also offer helpdesk services for XML support in the production environment.

Our services also include the standardisation of Public Procurement notices and XML message exchange in the context of notification, publication and dissemination of legal notices related to Public Procurement and beyond.

infeurope is involved in the design of systems and services realised in the scope of the Commission’s ISA programme, which rely on semantic technology.

Examples of relevant systems and services in which infeurope is involved are the Common repository of the Publications Office of the European Union (CELLAR), the Metadata registry and the implementation of the European Legislation Identifier (ELI) in collaboration with the EU member states.

The vision underlying the use of the semantic technology is:

  • To guarantee the citizens a better access to law and to the publications of the European Union.
  • To encourage and facilitate reuse of content and metadata by professionals and experts.
  • To preserve content and metadata and to guarantee access to them over time.

Our services at a glance

  • standardisation (CEN BII, UN/CEFACT)
  • XML, XSD, XML schema
  • data transformations (XSLT)
  • metadata modeling using RDF
  • semantic querying using the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL)
  • Ontology design using the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
  • storage and retrieval using RDF triple stores
  • LOD